It is often hard to know whether a teenagers behaviour is Typical or Troubled, as they can often look the same. Amanda has been working with Adolescents for more than 20 years, and knows the signs of typical teenage behaviour and when it’s becoming problematic.
Teenagers are undergoing rapid and significant changes from as young as 12 years old. Hormones are racing, resulting in physical changes, emotional outbursts, new social interests and of course brain-based changes.
Parents or guardians may notice attitude from your adolescent; disrespect, rudeness, sullen or withdrawn behaviours – all of which are typical but can also lead to a troubled teen if not responded to appropriately.
Teenagers want more privacy and have a greater interest in fitting in with their friendship groups, pursuing romantic relationships and developing independence. However, withdrawing from family and friends, or spending all day and night locked up in their bedroom or online can also be a warning sign that something is not right.
This is a difficult time to navigate as parents/guardians. You may find yourself wanting to impose more boundaries and restrictions on your typical/troubled teen, which often results in them having an outburst. Let them know you are concerned about their behaviour, and maybe you don’t quite know how to get it right yet, how best to help them, or if they even need help. The most valuable gift for a child is for an adult to be present, just to be available to listen.
Amanda can help understand your teenagers’ behaviours and discuss whether there is cause for concern, while offering some targeted strategies to try and stay connected with your teenager. With more than 15 year’s experience in education, justice and health sectors in Australia and internationally, Amanda has a wealth of experience and expertise to quickly recognise problematic behaviours and apply early interventions to ensure safety and avoid a troubled trajectory.
Amanda works with parents/guardians, the individual teenager, or both parents and teen. We will discuss with you the best approach over a phone consultation prior to a first appointment.
Tele-health is available for young people and families. Amanda provides phone and online face-to-face sessions to individuals wherever they are. Catering for commitments both within Australia and overseas. Amanda will arrange a time to meet with you online in your time-zone. She has supported young people based in Melbourne, California, Malaysia and Mongolia.